The journey to where I am now as a photographer has been a long and complicated one. I have always had a keen interest in photography, ever since my father bought me my first camera as a child: a Kodak Instamatic 155x, and much to his cost, I would take endless photos of just about anything.
That love of taking pictures has stayed with me throughout my whole life.
My motivation is really the sense of satisfaction and pride I get when I capture the perfect moment on a shoot, the split second when everything is right and the result is a unique combination of all that was going on, this is what drives me; creating images that I’m proud of and can feel a real sense of achievement whenever I look at them.
Travelling the world working for a multitude of magazines and on client commissioned shoots I have shot just about everything from cars, boats and planes to celebrities in film, television and music plus everything in between but portrait photography is definitely my favourite type of work. |